Saturday, May 3, 2014

So, 3 weeks down!

Today I am going to reflect on the last 3 weeks in France. Boy, what a time! There have been many, many challenges, wow moments and obstacles to overcome.

Each week I have been trying to judge my improvement in spoken French. A challenge itself. I can now understand a bit more of what is being spoken to me most of the time, but responding is still an issue. It's only early days. 

My class had a rough start, with 4 different teachers in a week because our principal teacher hurt her back so that was not the best introduction. It takes a while to understand the teachers accent so we all struggled that first week. There was the odd unexpected tear or two of frustration! 

The pedagogy is a little different and I'm taking a while to get used to the whole worksheet system and a test each Friday!  This week we had to do an oral test which was questionable because we hardly speak at all in the classroom! When in France! 

Yesterday I went to the park and learnt some Occitane dancing with Heike! It was fun but there was quite an audience! 

I get pretty excited as you can imagine when I manage to speak a whole sentence to anyone, I have started preparing things to say at dinner time and practice the sentences all the way from my apartment to Daniele's house! Hehe. I can ask her how her day was now without looking at my list! Success!

Last night (hier soir) the 2 Mexican students left the apartment to go back home so it will be a much quieter place, sadly, they were nice boys! Leon was pretty excited when I told him I lived not far from the Middle Earth place!

This week I caught up with Robin Ferris's daughter Kyla and her husband Alex for dinner. It was really nice to make a kiwi connection! Kyla was able to explain some spoken French that was far different than the verbs I have been conjugating! I still can't understand how alle changes to je vais! Hmmm! 

So, so far so good, the time is passing quickly, keeping busy is the key, each week I set goals for myself, each achievement is such a buzz! I have stopped questioning my sanity and am focusing on enjoying each moment, there is always a reason we are put into situations, onwards and upwards! 

Today I am going to brave the tram alone to the shopping centre! Hmmm.

This is Heike learning to dance. I PROMISE I did it too, but I stopped to take the movie!


  1. Hey Miss looks like a lot of fun dancing though the video did not play.Three weeks doesnt seem that youve been away that long, but then that means it will be soon that you come back. Good luck with learning french!-keana

  2. Yes lots of fun Keana, Hmm, strange about the movie, I've put a link under it so you can look. The Occitane people are very passionate about keeping their culture alive like the Maori. You guys should google it. They have a very interesting story/history! I'm pretty sure you'll be hearing about it when I get back! :)

  3. Hey mrs, you should have asked someone else to take the movie, I really want to see how you dance in France. By the way, I hope you didn't embarras yourself. :-)

  4. There are reasons why I am taking the movie Sebriya! ;)
